Thursday, May 31, 2007

A-Rod, what a jokester!

Alright, I always caught a lot of slack in college for being an "A-Rod lover." This support of A-Rod didn't come from his "cheap" plays or even being a Yankee, but just for being one of the best hitters in the game.

The controversies with A-Rod have been odd to say the least, and this newest one fits right in.

A-Rod, apparently, while running from second to third on an infield fly, may have shouted MINE! as the Blue Jays 3B went for the ball. The SS was right behind A-Rod.

A-Rod claims he just blurted out HAH! but it doesn't matter either way; people that don't like A-Rod will hate him even more for this.

Me, I find it to be hilarious. I mean, come on, if he really did it, it's a total singular anomaly for the the game of baseball for the next 10 seasons. It's just funny. Instead of hating on A-Rod, let's have a good laugh about it.

And you know you've done it while playing volleyball or whiffle ball.

1 comment:

JohnFromBoston said...

A-Rod said "that play happens to me three or four times a week, except it's not at third base -- [it's] over by the dugout, foul territory." At least A-Rod realizes that the fans are smarter than him and he should be following their example.