Sunday, April 15, 2007


Just a few things.

First, welcome to Ken. I look forward to reading about the defending world champions on a regular basis. I have no ill will towards the Cardinals, or the City of St. Louis for that matter. I love that place. The Rams lost to the Patriots in Super Bowl XXXVI and the Cardinals are the only team in the past 88 years or so that have lost to the Red Sox in a World Series.

Secondly, Rain cancelled a lot of games, especially in the Northeast today, including the Red Sox- Angels. Coco Crisp was gonna wear 42 in honor of Jackie Robinson. I wonder if he'll do it tomorrow instead. I hope so. Boston has a rap for being a racist sports town...even the Celtics- who were the first professional team to have an all black starting lineup and the first professional team to have a black coach. Tomorrow's game is the traditional Patriots Day Game, a holiday we get in Massachusetts but no one else gets cause we're more Patriotic than the rest of the country or something. Game starts at 10:05 AM, that way when you get out, the Boston Marathon is passing by Kenmore Square and it takes two hours to walk two blocks to the Green Line. Good times.

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