Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Rivalry

A few things to report:

On the field, the Red Sox got the best of the Yankees this weekend, winning 2 of 3. Friday night was pretty much all New York. Aside from a J.D. Drew homer, Wang was pretty much unhittable, though an error charged to A-Rod should have been a base hit for Pedroia. Shrug. Game two was Beckett's time to shine, as he evened the series and pitched much better than the three runs he allowed alludes to. Tonight, the game competed with a Bruins playoff game, so I didn't see as much of it as I'd have liked. My brother really likes the Bruins, so we comprimised and flipped back in forth, each making certain concessions. For instance, we watched when Manny hit cause Manny's the man. The Sox had a 5-1 lead, and then the Bruins went to overtime, so I agreed he should be allowed to watch them. Anyway, when we flipped back after the Bruins won, it was 7-4, and the game ended 7-5.

Mike Lowell got hurt Thursday night, and ever since Youkilis has been playing third and Sean Casey has been playing first. I must admit, he's been pretty awesome filling in. He's driven in 4 runs, and he's made some awesome defensive plays, even when compared to Youkilis , the best defensive first baseman in the league. Ortiz has been slumping and is hitting .073, so he got the night off. Manny on the other hand, has been awesome. I like both Ortiz and Rameriz, I'd be a fool not to. But for some reason, Ortiz always gets a free ride, and Manny always gets picked on. Shrug.

Anyway, speaking of Ortiz, and an earlier post, the Yankees came out Friday denying any shirt burying occured. Then they went and dug up the visitors club house anyway...idiots. It turns out there was a shirt... a David Ortiz jersey. Maybe that's why he's been struggling? It'll be interesting to see if he turns it on again now that his jersey is out of that filthy place.

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