Sunday, June 3, 2007


I have often found that I gain as much joy from a hated rival's loss...or more importantly I do from my team winning and doing well. Since this season has not brought much in the way of Cardinal winning, much of my joy has been watching the Cubs be...well, the Cubs. This is exactly why Laura should not succumb to Cubdom (or Cubdumb)...they are completely inept as an organization. This week has shown that once again.

I am not sure what it is about a rival tanking it that is so enjoyable...sour grapes I suppose...if I can't be happy then I want a competitor to be less happy? Whatever it is probably isn't a great thing, but either way it has been fun this last week to see the Cubs blow a couple games late, make awful plays in the field and on the basepaths, and then, of course, attack each other in their own clubhouse. Lou's meltdown seems pretty warranted to me. I don't know how he hasn't given up...his press conferences after games are great. Always entertaining.

The sick part in all this is that as terribly as the Cubs and Cards have both been playing they have a chance. The NL Central is amazingly awful. The Brewers are fading and everyone else is among the worst in the ESPN power rankings. So, at 24-30 and 2nd place the Cards are not out of it and the Cubs are right behind them. The potential on the Cubs always leaves the possibility that they will just suck less than everyone else sucks, but in the end I have confidence that they are still the Cubs.

So, even if we keep playing at just under .500 I will take comfort and joy in every Cub-tastrophe that is bound to happen. What could it be next?!

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