Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's easy cheering for the Red Sox

As a Jason Bay / new Red Sox fan, I am discovering just how easy and fun it is to like this team.

Mainly, there is this: The team is good. This therefore motivates me to actually seek the results of every game, and even more amazing, to find out how the Rays and Yankees are doing as well!

I like it.

Another thing is that their fans are intelligent. I've enjoyed becoming acquainted with the smart blogs Over The Monster and Joy of Sox.

Finally, I didn't realize how much of a fan I am of Bay personally until I saw him succeeding in games that mattered. My heart skips a beat whenever he's at the plate now and when he has a nice play or a good hit I get so excited!! Because what he does actually affects the fortunes of a team now. I have a feeling he's going to be better than ever with the Sox.

1 comment:

JohnFromBoston said...

This title would have never been used pre-2004